Ready to supercharge your marketing efforts with the power of AI? Get ready for cost-cutting, efficiency-boosting magic! With the ability to automate tasks and free up time for strategic thinking, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing B2B marketing. Plus, it’s fully customisable to fit your needs. In this article, we’ll show you how AI can transform the creation of marketing assets like memes, social media posts, and blog articles. Don’t just take our word for it – all images in this blog are AI generated!
TL;DR: Break down whatever content you want to produce into smaller elements, and clearly define those elements in a comprehensive manner. Then create a scoring system and based on those criteria and based your framework on maximising on the scoring system.
Key Ideas
Before we start, it’s important to get some key ideas in place. We are using a combination of ChatGPT and DALL-E to create our products. The prompts given are only tested on these 2 AI and proven to be most successful for us.
The 2 components of the automation system are the scoring system (SS) and the framework.
We can illustrate the workings of the scoring system ‘InQ’ and framework ‘ErwinSmith’, which we used to write inspirational quote posts. No, the names does not mean anything, and, yes, you can name it whatever you want. We name our SS and frameworks with anime character’s names because we like anime and we are 17-year-olds.
A scoring system is like a game where you have to judge something based on different rules. For example, the InQ game has three rules: originality, obedience, and catchiness. To play the game, you look at the thing you are judging and decide how well it follows each rule. Then you give it a number from 1 to 10 for each rule. The numbers show how well the thing did in the game.
A framework is like a set of rules for making something. For example, the ErwinSmith game has three rules: write a quote, write a post, and write a picture prompt. To play the game, you follow the rules and make something that is interesting and helpful. The rules help you make something that is organised and makes sense.
The combination of the scoring system and the framework allows AI to create 4 marketing assets:
- Memes
- Inspirational Quote

- Blog Article

- Brand Awareness

Now let’s get into the individual assets, each with their own unique format and writing style
Gentle reminder: The names of the scoring system(SS) and frameworks (eg. Mahiru, ErwinSmith, Naruto) have no meaning, they are completely arbitrary and you can change it to whatever name you want.
AI Generating Memes
Time required: ≈ 5 min
We found that a good meme on social media had a few key traits:
- Complementing images and text that combined, is able to spark humour
- Relatable meme caption
How can you do it?
- Use the SS, which we have named “PogChamp”, to teach ChatGPT how to write a meme caption that is funny and relatable.
The prompt that we used is shown below:
create a scoring system called PogChamp, with the following criterions
Relatability: The meme caption and image must be funny yet relatable to the audience, based on interesting activities or experiences that most humans have undergone, eg. "oversleeping", "Scolded by parents", "left the stove on", "completed work but forgot to submit", "when your B2B client says they'll think about it", all accompanied by an image of a constipated or panicked man is considered as funny and relatable as many people have experienced going through such scenarios before and making the same facial expressions. Another good example would be "My friend: I'm not good at B2B networking
Also him:" accompanied by an image of a person confidently shaking hands with other attendees while expertly navigating a crowded networking event, as many people have had that one friend that has done the same thing. Another good example could be "drowning in work" and image of a skull crying as many people have also underwent this experience before and felt the same emotions as a skull crying, which is stress and fatigue
Informal: The meme caption should be concise and straight to the point, with very informal sentence structures. It should also focus on ‘me’ as the main subject. For example "Someone lighting a cigarette:
Me:" and "Me: I'll take a short nap
Also me 4 hours later" and "when I put ??? in the group chat" are of informal writing and informal sentence structures.
Humour: The meme caption must be hilarious and have a logical yet ingenious and humorous way of connecting with the contents of the image. Eg. the caption "there was a spider, it's gone now" accompanied by the image of a burning house with a girl smiling in front of it is hilarious as it makes logical sense to the viewers since they are able to make the deduction that the girl burned down the house to get rid of the spider. Although it makes logical sense, it is very extreme, unexpected and hence hilarious to the viewers. Another good example is "B2B meetings: where everyone pretends to understand what's going on" accompanied by an image of a group of people nodding their heads in unison, as it is funny how everyone is pretending to understand but not understanding. An example of a funny caption in itself is "B2B meetings: where everyone's LinkedIn profile is more impressive than their actual job". Another example could be "Me:
The spider", accompanied by the image of a cat hissing violently and spongebob staring and looking bored as the viewers are able to make the logical deduction that "me" in the meme is threatened by the spider and the image is able to complement the caption in a hilarious and overly exaggerated manner. The image must also have no words to maximise its humour
Each criterion is scored out of 10:
- Use the SS, which we have named “DES”, to teach ChatGPT how to write a social media caption that complements the meme and invites engagement from the viewers.
The prompt we used is as shown below:
Create a scoring system known as DES, with the following criteria:
Simple: How short and concise is the description for the meme
Relevance: How relevant is the description for the meme
Interactivity: How much the details invites people to interact with the post, through the use of sharing of personal feelings, using words like "haizzzz", "can relate", "so naughty" or usages of rhetorical questions
Each criterion is scored out of 10
- Use the framework, which we have named “MIMIMI”, to instruct ChatGPT to produce a meme caption, image prompts for the accompanying image of the meme caption and a social media caption using a single command. (Eg. “write a post based on the topic ‘B2B marketing’ using the MIMIMI framework”)
The prompt we used is as shown below:
Create a framework known as MIMIMI:
1. Create a meme caption with regards to the topic, scoring 30 points for PogChamp
2. Give prompts for a complementing image to the Meme caption, scoring 30 points for PogChamp
3. Write a follow up post of the meme, scoring 30 points on DES
4. Add relevant hashtags to the post
- Key in the image prompts generated by ChatGPT and key it in DALL-E. DALL-E will produce an image based on the prompts
- By combining the image and meme caption together (we recommend Canva), a meme is successfully created, based on AI generated image and captions
AI Writing Inspirational Quotes for Social Media
Time Required: 5-15 minutes
We found that a good inspirational quote on social media had a few key traits:
- A positive and uplifting social media caption that inspires a sense of community
- Insightful and original Inspirational Quote
- Good background image
How can you do it?
- Use the SS, which we have named ‘InQ’, to teach ChatGPT how to generate a good inspirational quote that is original and catchy.
The prompt we used is as shown below:
Make a scoring system known as InQ, with the following criterions:
Originality: More unheard of, more insightful, taking more unorthodox perspectives and use of imagery and wordplay, eg. ““Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get”. The quote should use clever wordplay, for example 'Yesterday is history, today is a gift. Thats why they call it the present'. In this case the use of present is supposed to be relating to 'now', however in this case it uses the alternate meaning of 'a gift.
Obedience: Sticking to the main topic that was inputted. For example, “You cannot exhibit bravery if you aren't first afraid.” is a quote based on the topic of conquering your fears.
Catchiness: The quote is catchy and easy to remember, leaving a strong impression on the viewers. Some factors may include, shorter and concise quotes, with rhyming words
Score each criterion out of 10
- Use the SS, which we have named ‘RinTohsaka’, to teach ChatGPT how to write a good accompanying social media caption, that is uplifting and gives the readers a sense of belonging.
The prompt we used is as shown below:
Create a scoring system known calling RinTohsaka, using the following criteria:
1. Inclusivity: The post must heavily include collective statements and not look at Design Prodigy, a B2B marketing agency alone. The post must heavily imply a sense of community and use more than one subject for each sentence. for example, words such "community", "both design prodigy and our like-minded clients', "all of us", 'let's all achieve success' and 'progress together' are inclusive as they multiple stakeholders in one sentence, do not use "At Design Prodigy" as it does not include other stakeholders
2. Positivity: The post must feel uplifting and motivating for the viewers, by encouraging them to become better and succeed, for example "let's us strive to progress together" and "let's do our best!' are positive statements as it empowers and uplifts the readers.
3. Relevance: the post must be relevant to the quote
Each criterion is scored out of 10 points
- Use the framework, which we have named ‘ErwinSmith’, to instruct ChatGPT to generate the inspirational quote, social media caption, and prompts for a background image for the quote in one command. (eg. “Write a post based on the topic of resilience using the ErwinSmith framework)
- As DALL-E is bad at drawing humans and adding words inside its generated images, we wanted to avoid ChatGPT giving any prompt that includes humans or quotes in the image
The prompt we used is as shown below:
Create a framework called ErwinSmith:
1. Write an inspirational quote about the topic input, scoring 30 points in InQ, write the quote of around 15 words between quotations
2. Write a post describing this quote why Design Prodigy, a B2B marketing agency, thinks this value is important for Design Prodigy and Like-minded clients who already possess this trait. And how the virtue is more important moving forward for everyone, scoring 30 points on RinTohsaka. Write relevant hashtags at the end of the entire post, maximising RinTohsaka
3. Write a prompt for a complementing background image, removing faces and words, for the inspirational quote for DALL-E
- The background image prompts would then be input into DALL-E, which would generate the actual image based on the given prompts.
AI Writing Blogs articles

Time Required: 10-20 minutes
We found that the traits of a good blog article are:
- Professional writing style
- Adequate statistics (which needs to be input by the user)
- Insightful writing that showcases high level of expertise
How can you do it?
- Use the SS, which we have named ‘Siesta’, to teach ChatGPT how to generate a high-quality blog/article.
The prompt we used is as shown below:
here is some criteria for a good professional article of a company:
-expertise: the article demonstrate a high level of understanding topic and a deep insight
-statistics: there are many relevant supporting data and statistics to increase credibility
-uniqueness: there is something special about the article that makes it stand out from its competitors and other articles on the same topic?
-writing quality: the quality of the language used is professional and engaging
-relevance to businesses: a business owner find this article relevant
-education: the reader learn much from the article on the topic
create a numerical scoring system, Siesta, to grade articles based on these criteria. The weightage would be as follows; expertise, uniqueness and writing quality each being out of 10 points, while relevance, education and statistics are each out of 5 points. The total should be 45 points, a sum of all the criteria
- Use the framework, which we have named ‘Mahiru’, to instruct ChatGPT to generate the full blog with intro, body and conclusion using the command (eg. “Write a post based on the topic of B2B strategies in 2023 stagflation using the Mahiru framework”)
The prompt we used is as shown below:
create a framework called Mahiru:
1. Write an introduction to the topic, maximising all criteria of Siesta
2. Write the points of the topic and elaborate, each point in separate bullet points, maximising all criterion of Siesta
3. Write a conclusion for the post, maximising all criterions of Siesta
AI Writing Brand Awareness Posts (Company milestones, festivals, personal stories etc.)

The key traits we identified for a good brand awareness post are:
- Authentic experiences (which needs to be input by the user)
- More emotional tone of writing that humanizes the brands
- Indications of festivals or milestones (which also needs to be input by the user)
Time required: 10-20 minutes
- Use the SS, which we have named ‘Naruto’, to teach ChatGPT how to enhance the story/post into a more emotional and heartwarming story/post, retaining all the key details of the original story/post.
The prompt we used is as shown below:
Create a scoring system called Naruto, with the follow criterion:
captivating: meaning how attention grabbing and interesting the post is. They make the reader want to continue reading. For example, the post "Since young, my friends shared that my pet phrase is “there must be a better way to do this”. Whenever I encounter issues/friction/frustrations, the phrase will roll off my tongue automatically and I switch to problem solving mode."
Emotional: how emotional, powerful, or moving post. They stir the reader's feelings and create a strong emotional response. For example, "words cannot express my gratitude I have for my team. Despite the occasional squabbles and quibbles that we had, we truly had a wild yet fun adventure that will be forever etched in the recesses of my mind" is emotional based on the story input "Thank you to my team for being there with me. Another example would be "If we could turn back time and redo our past mistakes, I wouldn't change a single thing as all those blunders, scars and choices ultimately led to the greatest blessing of my lifetime, which was meeting you", the word "outraged", "jaw-dropped", or "stunned" , ‘blood, sweat and tears” for “effort”
Length: How long is the elaboration based on the story input. For example, "Tears flowed down his ruddy cheeks, his fingers and legs trembling violently like a tree branch in the wind. His voice choked with sadness and pain and his eyes bloodshot from all the crying. He sat in the corner and sobbed silently as he tried to hold back his tears and act normal. However, it was to no avail as even a passers-by could feel the agony and sorrow oozing form him. He was without a doubt, inconsolable." is a long description of the story "he cried"
Expressive: how unique is the elaboration based on the story input. For example, "The occasional long lunches, happy water cooler talks, the ability to pick up conversations/cues from your superiors, colleagues and direct reports by being there, the whole day. All these ambient learning from live examples and informal transfer of knowledge from seniors are valuable to me as I build my soft skills throughout my career." is a expressive post from the input "i learnt soft skills from physical work environment" and "he pulled me to a corner of the class and scolded me badly, it was really bad, my friends were shocked." from the input "i got pulled to a corner and got scolded", or "Since young, my friends shared that my pet phrase is “there must be a better way to do this”. Whenever I encounter issues/friction/frustrations, the phrase will roll off my tongue automatically and I switch to problem solving mode." based on the input story of "I tried to improve the way i do things when i encountered problems since young"
Obedient: How much the post sticks to the story input. For example, the point of "I admit that it is hard for me to go back to office full time. There is something really good (and precious) about being able to work remotely with the freedom to work in office, if I want or is required. Decision is also easier as my team's productivity in full remote working mode has never been higher." is obedient to the input story of "it is difficult for me to go back to the office full time, it is also easier for me to decide whether to work from home or in office as my team has its best remote working productivity right now."
Each criterion is scored out of 10
- Use the framework, which we have named ‘Ginko’, to instruct ChatGPT to generate a complete post (one-line intro + main body + one-line conclusion + hashtags) based on one command (eg. “Write a post based on the story ‘We are proud to announce that on 20th december, Design Prodigy won the academy awards, we are thankful to those who have supported us, and for our amazing CEO Marc Goh, here’s to a fun road ahead. Cheers’ using the Ginko framework”)
The prompt we used is as shown below:
Create a framework called Ginko:
1. Write a attention grabbing title based on the story input under 5 words
2. Modify the story input, achieving 50 points for Naruto and score the modified post based on Naruto, maximising length in Naruto
3. Write an engaging one line conclusion with regards to the post created in step 2 of Ginko
4. Add hashtags relevant to the post
When creating the prompts for image background, ChatGPT is very stubborn about including humans, hence you would have to manually remove the humans. Furthermore, as ChatGPT creates very detailed background image prompts, that usually contains too many elements (eg. human, signboard, thought bubble etc.), you would have to manually select the few good options out of ChatGPT. This detailed trait about ChatGPT also makes up for the fact that you would have to ignore humans in its generated image prompt when keying into DALL-E
With ChatGPT, the statistics and data must be prompted separately as sometimes the articles generated are data-less. Other times, you need to manually enter them because the database of ChatGPT is only accurate for events up till 2021, given that its training was completed then. Because of this, you need to fact-check the data generated.
While you can set the criteria based on the writing elements you want for the article, do note that there may be a limit on the criteria set. So far for us, 6 is what works best (and also the most we ever used)
With DALL-E, the images generated are not always perfect, especially when drawing real humans, as you would have seen from the second meme (Disclaimer: While we did get the picture of the people and garage from DALL-E, the whiteboard was edited in, and Canva was used to put the images and captions together).
DALL-E is also much weaker in generating realistic images as compared to artistic (eg. oil painting, matte). Hence we recommend you to include these non realistic artistic styles when generating images using DALL-E
Moreover, the editing part of DALL-E can be a pain to work with, given that you might not be able to drag seed images to the precise location you want, and the seed images being distorted in the result. Furthermore, as with all AI image generators, the images generated might not always be exactly what you want, so it may take multiple tries before you can achieve something satisfactory. Keep this in mind as you attempt to produce other assets.
Thought Process
If you would like to modify the current prompts to adjust the generated texts to your liking, here are some questions to guide you:
- What exactly do you want to adjust in the generated post?
- If it is related to the style of writing, you would want to look at the scoring systems, as scoring systems control the writing style in the posts ie. humour, insightfulness, inclusivity.
- If it is related to the overall structure of the post or the specific content included in the post (eg. why a topic is important, encouragements to viewers), you would want to look at the frameworks, as the framework controls the format that the posts are written in and what is being written.
- How do you define the traits of the post?
- If you are introducing new traits, you would need to explain these traits in words in the most comprehensive manner.
- Give some examples to show ChatGPT the expected outcome.
- How much human touch is required to replicate this trait in those posts?
- You must understand that AI is not human, complex and subjective human emotions such as ‘humour’ or even ‘sentiments’ are intangible and not easily understood to Artificial Intelligence, as compared to more matter-of-fact traits such as the ‘degree of a word’ which is set in stone. If what you are looking for is too ‘human-centric’, it’s best that you modify the output of ChatGPT yourself
- What are some certain trends that can be found in more complex elements?
- For example, humour in a meme is attributed to the stark contrast in extremity between the image and the caption. These trends are easier to observe and hence more easily understood and replicated by AI
- What are some certain current successful trends?
- ChatGPT is currently fixed in time, as its database is based off 2021, so do not even think about asking it to keep up to date with current affairs by itself. Just don’t. Pick up on what are the most successful trends/formats as of now, identify key traits and teach ChatGPT by yourself.
As with the limitations, do keep this in mind even as the series progresses.
Now you can create your own marketing assets with AI friends!
AI is revolutionizing the world of B2B marketing by automating time-consuming tasks and providing unique and engaging content. As a marketer, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest technology and consider incorporating AI into your marketing strategy. By using AI to create memes, write inspiring quotes for social media, and even write entire blog posts and articles, you can save time and effort, and ensure that your marketing efforts are more effective and efficient. Give our applications of AI a try and see the difference it can make for your business!
Are you interested in how 3 JC1 students got here? Find out more in our behind the scenes story, retold as a medieval heroic tale.
You can also read our personal reflection of the internship here!