Once upon a time, Peng Zheng, Alexi, and Thai Son were three young squires who had been chosen to participate in the Temasek Training Arc, an austere military training program arranged by King Demarcus Gohnigus IV to train promising youths to become the Arrowheads of Asia – fearsome B2B marketing warriors in the vastland of grand Asia, capable of piercing through any challenges obstructing their path to glory.

The brave squires marched into the grand Design Prodigy Castle on their first day, brimming with both uncertainty and excitement to bring honour to their family names. Their mentor, the esteemed Founding King of Design Prodigy, Sir Demarcus Gohnigus IV the Wise, cordially greeted them and spoke about the noble mission of Design Prodigy. He challenged them with deeply enlightening questions about the universe and philosophy, and they had the honour of attending the company’s weekly royal council gathering. The squires were impressed and determined to make their mark and prove their worth as heroes on the battlefield of business.
Act I: The Honourable Lecture of Sir Demarcus and the Enchanted ClosersCopy
The following day, King Demarcus, the honourable and esteemed mentor, bestowed upon the brave squires a lecture in B2B marketing, and charged them with a chivalrous mission – to find a way to “Do more with less” in the B2B marketing realm.
Sir Demarcus granted upon the brave squires a magical tool called ClosersCopy, an enchanted AI-powered writing assistant that could make use of user-defined writing outlines and frameworks to generate text and images from prompts. The heroic squires spent the rest of the week working with ClosersCopy and decided to focus on content generation, reducing the time and effort put into it, and hence its cost.

The honourable squires began to conduct research and hold council on what they hoped to achieve, but without much knowledge about the mystic art of marketing, they struggled to devise any noble plans. Even after striving valiantly to create a blog framework and generate accompanying images, they could not achieve any satisfactory results. The blogs were too basic, and the images looked unsightly. Thus ended their first week of trial and tribulation.
Act II: The Unstoppable War Machine: ChatGPT’s Mighty Powers Unleashed
After the tumultuous and disheartening first week, they had a much needed respite over the weekend ,and returned rejuvenated and ready for battle. It was then that news of a recent, earth-shattering breakthrough in magical science reached their ears – ChatGPT, a formidable AI-powered war machine that was expert at executing commands from its users.

It was essentially the result of ClosersCopy’s text generating functions receiving the strength of a thousand soldiers and the power of the gods. ChatGPT was adept at obeying their every order flawlessly and exceptionally well at first, and they were overwhelmed with amazement. They believed that ChatGPT was capable of achieving any form of marketing feats, and that this was the answer to their quest.
However, they were gravely mistaken.
Act III: Heroes of the Realm: A Tale of ChatGPT and the Magical Prompts
For the next three days, the heroic squires toiled tirelessly to push the boundaries of ChatGPT’s text generation capabilities. At first, as they commanded the machine to create basic social media posts, they were astonished by the realism and high quality of the output, which included literary techniques and human-like writing styles that ClosersCopy could not match. Even King Demarcus was taken aback by ChatGPT’s impressive performance and confessed to feeling fear at its capabilities.
However, no matter how advanced, lifelike, and versatile ChatGPT was, it was still a machine, and lacked the complexity of human writing. As the squires tackled more complex marketing tasks such as blogs and personal stories, they began to see the limitations of ChatGPT.
The quest for ChatGPT began with a simple desire: to create a tool that could speak with the eloquence and wisdom of a true hero. But alas, the initial trials proved fruitless, for simple prompts yielded only simple results, unworthy of the noble cause.
Undaunted, the valiant squires continued their quest, determined to uncover the secrets of true greatness. And after many trials and tribulations, they stumbled upon the key to victory: a combination of the CloserCopy framework and the grading prowess of Grammarly.
With this powerful combination, they set forth to forge a new future, one in which ChatGPT would rise to the heights of greatness and speak with the voice of a true hero. And so they laboured, breaking down the content into smaller elements, each with its own numerical score, to create a writing that would withstand the rigours of scrutiny.

And lo, their efforts were not in vain, for the prototype proved their hypothesis correct. And so, with renewed vigour, they continued to fine-tune the system, forging a weapon of unmatched power and might.
Thus, ChatGPT emerged from the flames of its trials, a shining beacon of hope and glory, ready to take on the challenges of the marketing world. And the valiant squires of the team looked upon their creation with pride, knowing that they had achieved a great and noble victory.
Act IV: The Quest for Authenticity: ChatGPT and the Search for the BTS Formula
As they journeyed forth on their quest to explore the use of ChatGPT in automating content based on the BTS formula, a formula crafted by the great and noble K-pop boy band BTS, they were struck by their wisdom and foresight. They knew they had to delve deep into the realm of authenticity, a key element in the BTS formula, and discover the secrets of their unique stories and personalities.

In their search for the truth, they discovered that ChatGPT, though powerful in its own right, was unable to capture the true essence of personal storytelling. Its words, though eloquent, were but hollow shells of the true power of the BTS formula. But fear not, noble reader, for they did not despair. They knew that with careful guidance, ChatGPT could serve as a valuable ally in their quest for authenticity.
As they continued on their journey, they encountered many challenges and obstacles. They battled against the forces of generic content, and emerged victorious. They braved the treacherous landscape of false statistics, and emerged unscathed. And yet, despite their valiant efforts, they knew that there was still much work to be done.
For even as they spoke, the devoted ChatGPT was hard at work, crafting tales of epic proportions. Stories of bravery and valour, of honour and chivalry, of love and adventure. And as they listened, they knew that ChatGPT was truly a force to be reckoned with.
In the end, they emerged victorious, their quest complete. They had learned much from ChatGPT, and it had learned much from them. And though they knew that there was still room for humans in the world of automated content generation, they also knew that ChatGPT was a worthy ally, a loyal companion on their journey through the realm of the fantastic.
Act V: The Quest for Imagination: A Tale of Two Mighty Devices
As they continued their journey, they battled alongside DALL-E, the fearsome image-generating device, and discovered it to be a formidable ally, wielding the power to create breathtaking pictures. But alas, it was not without weakness, for it struggled to conjure human faces and merge different images together.
They attempted to embed a seed image into DALL-E, seeking to unleash a torrent of new and wondrous creations. But alas, their endeavour proved futile, and the image was twisted and distorted beyond recognition.

Heavy-hearted and reluctant, they then turned their attention to Midjourney, a new and promising AI of surpassing skill in the art of image-making. Its creations were of a quality that bordered on the divine, but their application differed greatly from DALL-E, for Midjourney excelled in the creation of artistic images, while DALL-E was more suited to the practical and realistic.
And so, they set forth on a quest to master the power of these two mighty devices, seeking to harness their might for the benefit of all. It was a journey fraught with peril, but their bravery and determination saw them through, and they emerged victorious, wielding the full extent of their abilities.
With the power of DALL-E and Midjourney at their command, they were one step closer towards becoming true heroes that were revered and honoured by all. They vowed to use their abilities to bring light to the darkest corners of the land, and to create images of such beauty and splendour that they filled the hearts of all who saw them with awe and wonder.
Act VI: The Noble Squires and the Fearsome Beast: A Tale of Valor and Video Generation
As they valiantly ventured forth into the realm of video generation, they came upon the fearsome beast known as Synthesia. Through the strength of our determination and the power of our might, they befriended Synthesia and sought to tame its wild powers. Though the unpaid version proved to be a formidable ally, the beast, at best, spewed forth its monotonous words with unsynced lips. The noble squire refused to yield and continued to train the beast.

In the end, although they didn’t emerge victorious, they knew that they must continue to hone their skills and seek out new allies in the land of video generation. And so they rode forth, their heads held high and their swords at the ready, ever vigilant in our quest to conquer the wilds of automated video creation.
Act VII: The King’s Wise Counsel: The Squires’ Pursuit of Consistency
This week, the guild of lion hearted-squires worked tirelessly to tie down the loose ends of their findings from the past two weeks. Through tireless effort and ingenuity, they managed to optimise the prompt and the system & framework, creating consistent and quality results by adjusting and fine-tuning the input.
Their greatest creation was an inspirational quote generator, a meme generator, and a blog article generator. All of these frameworks and scoring systems were enhancements of their original scoring system, and their first successful meme was a moment of great triumph for them. They also completed the Hook model, vanquishing the foe of inconsistency with their ability to automate the process in a much shorter period of time.

King Demarcus the wise showed the squires the potential of DALL-E for valorous deeds, presenting LinkedIn posts where warriors of foreign lands boasted of their deeds with mere selfies. From this, the squires conceived the idea to upload a visage of a hero or their head and generate them in a grand location. They found it to be more convincing when the entire body was provided. (Go forth and try it yourself, my lords and ladies! Simply remove the background from a photo of yourself, I recommend, upload it to DALL-E, place a generation frame over the image, and tell it what you want! For example, “Knight in a battlefield” or “Queen in a throne room”.)
The valiant squires had also decreed that MidJourney was not a worthy image generator, for it was focused on digital art rather than the grandeur of our realm. Despite their valiant efforts, it, most of the times, could not yield the images they desired. It was DALL-E that proved more compliant to their command.
In such precarious times, they were faced with a difficult choice: to trust in the unpredictable MidJourney, or to embrace the steadfast DALL-E. They chose the latter and MidJourney was forsaken, for it proved too artistic to gain their trust. Henceforth, DALL-E emerged as the shining star of their artistic endeavours.
Act VIII: The Honor-Bound Journey: the Holy Grail of Video Generation
As noble squires, it was their duty to seek out the finest tools for their endeavours. In their search for the perfect video generation tool, they found, a video generating tool, to be lacking. Despite its intended function, it could not govern the visions displayed, rendering it less valuable to the valiant squires in this moment. But fear not, for only time will tell for’s final fate in the squire’s journey. The squires also had faith in the legendary Meta and its ‘Make-A-Video’ AI which they believed would aid them in their quest alongside DALL-E and MidJourney.

The gallant squires, after countless hardships and obstacles, reached the conclusion of their journey. As they rode off into the mystical night sky, they wondered if they had lived up to their oaths of valor and loyalty, if they had become the knights of legend they had always dreamed of being. Dear readers, do you believe they have accomplished their grand endeavour?

By the way, this was done in 2 hours using ChatGPT. This was supposed to be a reflection but well … we like this better.

Interested in what the squires presented to King Demarcus? Click here to find out more!
Click here to read up on what the squires (in real life) have learned throughout this journey.