The Design Prodigy (DP) internship has a reputation for being challenging, and people sign up for precisely this reason.
Indeed, the struggle is real.
By Kee Qian Ling
National University of Singapore
It was hard to have to absorb so much information and instantly apply what we learnt. The hardest part about it is defining the problem in the first place. Only by finding the right problem to solve would we know what metrics we should use to determine whether on not we have given a satisfactory solution. It’s something I wrestled long and hard with – to think outside of what our traditional education system teaches, in order to define problems in a novel and innovative way.
Now, what would be effective problem solving without more brains to help? Solving problem after problem would not have been possible without the brain power of my colleagues. What I like most about my colleagues is that everyone is a team player, always placing the team above their individual selves. Working with these people I like and respect makes a real difference to the working environment.

More than just interacting with my colleagues during work, I found myself hanging out with them for dinner after work, singing karaoke together, going for jogs, and even the occasional heart-to-heart talks. My internship experience would have been vastly different without them.
One of the intriguing things about my bosses Marc and Mona is how humble they are. I always appreciate them taking their time to check in on us despite their busy schedules. It struck me that they are very different from the other adults I’ve met. No doubt they expect us to push ourselves to do better at every instance, yet they do so in a non-domineering manner. Their nurturing and friendly disposition is what makes them feel like friends rather than my higher ups.
At the end of the day, the intimate sharings, vulnerable moments and open communication are things I really value, and they are what makes DP so special. So…that’s all folks!
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